Energy and Environment
GLK is keen to accelerate the adoption of Renewable Energy and respond to the opportunity of Kenya’s transition towards a low-carbon economy. In this regard, GLK facilitates and promotes the use of solar, wind, hydro, biofuels and other increasingly cost-effective sources of clean energy through a 4-pronged approach as follows;
Clean Cooking
GLK promotes the use of clean, efficient, affordable and safe cooking solutions for women in rural and urban areas of Kenya. Why? Approximately 3 billion people around the world cook indoors using open fires or traditional stoves. The resulting household air pollution not only poses multiple chronic health risks and more than 4 million premature deaths each year, it also contributes to climate change and deforestation..

Renewable Energy
GLK facilitates and promotes the use of solar, wind, hydro, biofuels, energy efficiency and other increasingly cost-effective sources of clean energy as a way to increase access to energy services for the huge population who go without electricity and to enable communities to adopt low emission pathways for economic development. In this regard, GLK uses market-driven approaches to expand the use of clean energy to achieve social and economic development
Climate Change
GLK is a natural leader in the fight to protect the environment. Accordingly, GLK is keen on preserving forests, protecting ecosystems and helping women farmers switch to drought-resistant crops. These are just a few of the ways that GLK combats climate change. A deep concern for the planet is part of GLK’s DNA, and it shows up in everything from multiple-use water projects to low-emission development planning and carbon-offset measuring services.

Water Security
Life depends on water. But growing populations and the impact of climate change make it an increasingly complex task to ensure that communities have adequate access to clean water for drinking, sanitation, agriculture and commerce. This is why GLK emphasizes the need to address these essentials simultaneously rather than project by project.